Taryn Brumfitt - the girl who broke social media's standards

Scrolling on social media might make you feel like you need to have the perfect body, and Taryn Brumfitt was sick of the pressure! After becoming a champion bodybuilder didn't make her love her body, she decided to change the conversation about body image online and help every person to embrace every body at every size. Written and narrated by 13-year-old Josie Dicker.

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From skaters to singers, mountaineers to Mars mission-leaders. From the deep blue sea to the dark, black skies. Australia is full of girls who dare to do things differently. Adventurous girls. Girls with guts and spirit. Girls who stand-up and say, "watch out world, here I come!". Do you know what they are? They're FIERCE. These are their stories. Join the amazing Amy Shark, Julie Bishop, Yael Stone and more as they tell the inspiring tales of some of Australia's most extraordinary women.