Not Business As Usual

This is not business as usual.    The new world we have now calls for new leaders to operate, and only when we revolutionize our ways of leading can we truly see the biggest change.


I’m your host, Ginny Clarke, a former Executive Recruiter who has assessed and coached thousands of executives and other leaders. I’m also an author of the book Career Mapping: Charting Your Course in the New World of Work. My goal is to bring a unique perspective to leadership and the whole of who you are.


In this pilot episode of Fifth Dimensional Leadership, I want to take you back to the core of what it truly means to be a Fifth Dimensional Leader.


  • What is Fifth Dimensional Leadership 
  • How to speak and act with intention
  • The universal truth, best practices, and components of extraordinary leadership
  • Fifth Dimensional Leadership is NOT business as usual
  • Why do we all need to step up and lead from where we are
  • How to be a great leader in trying times
  • Why titles and roles don’t define who you are and how you lead.


“Education, knowledge, and experience alone don't necessarily make you smart or competent; only curiosity, self-awareness, courage, and a growth mindset can drive intelligence and competence.” - Ginny Clarke


“This is not business as usual, but let that empower you to try something different, to do something better, to be bold, and to lead from where you are with what you have.” - Ginny Clarke


“You own your career.” - Ginny Clarke


“We’re being called right now more than ever to inspire love.” - Ginny Clarke


“Lead the way with kindness. Be the light into a deeper knowing of yourself and for the benefit of the world.” - Ginny Clarke


“Pour the positive energy of doing your job into yourself for a change. Your work is a platform, it's not your final destination.” - Ginny Clarke

Om Podcasten

Fifth Dimensional Leadership is a podcast about leadership - knowing yourself, speaking your truth, inspiring love, expanding your consciousness, activating your mastery. As an executive recruiter and career expert, most recently leading executive recruiting at Google, Ginny Clarke is a passionate and authentic thought leader with a unique and deliberate perspective on work and life. She synthesizes aspects of her life as an African-American, single mother who has successfully navigated corporate America for over 30 years. She has inspired, uplifted and changed the lives of thousands and is intentional about bringing conscious awareness to people of all ages and career stages. Every other week, a new edition of Fifth Dimensional Leadership will include fascinating guests, covering a variety of topics: power, personal branding, self-awareness, networking, fear, and career management.