The Importance of Social Capital and Leadership with Aaron Templer

Social media marketing doesn’t work.   

There is no data that supports the effectiveness of social media marketing and the value that it generates. Marketers are all biased in believing that it does. However, according to Aaron Templar, Brand Strategist and Founder of Three over Four, what really generates value is social capital. 

Aaron Templer is an unapologetic polymath. A 25-year marketing leader, a marketing firm owner, professional instructor for the American Marketing Association, occasional speaker and professor, and hobby percussionist. His firm, speaking engagements, teachings, and writings are at the intersection of strategy, creativity, brand, influence, and leadership. Some call him the Gora Dhol Wallah. 

In our conversation, Aaron talks about his book, Leading in the Social World, and the difference between social media marketing and social capital.


Things you will learn in this episode:

  • Why marketers need to be leaders
  • Leadership through authenticity
  • What is Social Capital
  • How the Covid-19 pandemic is similar to the great recession of 2008
  • Aaron’s influences and connection to music



“A leader's real work is looking for opportunities for connection and marketing looks for opportunities for conversion.” - Aaron Templer


“You can't be credible unless you're present in the situation with a clear sense of who you are.” - Aaron Templer


“When you lead in a way that builds people as opposed to using people, that becomes life affirming. It affirms our humanity” - Aaron Templer


“When your identity gets torn away from you, not only are you re-evaluating yourself but re-evaluating others around you.” - Aaron Templer


“Leaders let their actions speak for their words. They walk the talk and they do what they say.” - Aaron Templer



Om Podcasten

Fifth Dimensional Leadership is a podcast about leadership - knowing yourself, speaking your truth, inspiring love, expanding your consciousness, activating your mastery. As an executive recruiter and career expert, most recently leading executive recruiting at Google, Ginny Clarke is a passionate and authentic thought leader with a unique and deliberate perspective on work and life. She synthesizes aspects of her life as an African-American, single mother who has successfully navigated corporate America for over 30 years. She has inspired, uplifted and changed the lives of thousands and is intentional about bringing conscious awareness to people of all ages and career stages. Every other week, a new edition of Fifth Dimensional Leadership will include fascinating guests, covering a variety of topics: power, personal branding, self-awareness, networking, fear, and career management.