“The Seven Mistakes New Managers Make” with Janet Polach

Leaders aren’t born, they are developed.


Anyone can be a great leader, but one must own and do the work that comes with it. Leading people by working, learning, and growing with them, is the way to develop into a great leader.


Janet Polach, Ph.D., is a global leadership development partner and coach. She's developed leaders in the US, China, Korea, Singapore, Puerto Rico, and the Netherlands. She's a retired Lieutenant Colonel having spent 20 years in the Marines.


After getting her Ph.D. in Organizational Development, and working with a global consulting firm in China, she launched her consulting practice, helping hundreds of companies across the globe. Including major brands and government contractors.


Her no-nonsense but lighthearted approach is what separates her from the rest. Also, she’s the author of The Seven Mistakes New Managers Make, and she’s driven by a mission to help people find their voice in a noisy world and lead from within. She truly believes anyone can be developed into a great leader.


In our conversation, Janet Polach talks about how great leaders can be developed by owning the responsibility and putting in the effort to work on becoming one:


  • How leaders can be developed
  • How to tap the hidden strengths within each of your team members 
  • Why do leaders find it hard to give more feedback
  • How to revive even the most tired-out employee




“Behavior change doesn't happen overnight, but it can happen over the course of months if someone is really committed to working on it.” - Janet Polach


“Good leaders set a vision. They communicate that vision and share both successes and challenges, and progress with their team on a regular basis.” - Janet Polach


“Competencies are great, but they have to be narrowed for an organization to be meaningful and action-oriented.” - Janet Polach


“The leadership competencies that you have to have as a manager may not be the same ones that you have to have as a director.” - Janet Polach


“You have to want to lead through other people. You have to like to watch people learn and grow and know that there will be some fits and starts when they do that.” - Janet Polach


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Om Podcasten

Fifth Dimensional Leadership is a podcast about leadership - knowing yourself, speaking your truth, inspiring love, expanding your consciousness, activating your mastery. As an executive recruiter and career expert, most recently leading executive recruiting at Google, Ginny Clarke is a passionate and authentic thought leader with a unique and deliberate perspective on work and life. She synthesizes aspects of her life as an African-American, single mother who has successfully navigated corporate America for over 30 years. She has inspired, uplifted and changed the lives of thousands and is intentional about bringing conscious awareness to people of all ages and career stages. Every other week, a new edition of Fifth Dimensional Leadership will include fascinating guests, covering a variety of topics: power, personal branding, self-awareness, networking, fear, and career management.