Think Big, Lead Exponentially with Aaron Bare

A leader that thinks big and leads his people in an exponential direction.


Thinking big is a crucial part of companies creating exponential growth. Becoming exponential leaders takes a change in mindset and a shift in consciousness to create exponential leadership decisions while considering unintended consequences.


This episode’s fascinating guest is Aaron Bare. Aaron Bare’s life purpose is to create One-Million Exponential Leaders. He is the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author of Exponential Theory (X-Theory), The Power of Thinking Big, and the founder of XMBA (Exponential Mindset, Beliefs, and Attitudes), which is a group coaching program, and created the XX Podcast.


Beyond traveling to over 90 countries and all 50 states, Aaron has facilitated innovation and strategy at over 500 companies. He has also appeared on 20 of the top 250 podcasts. He is highlighted as 10 Leaders to Watch in 2022, listed on 50 under 50 Leaders, 40 under 40 Leaders, 35 under 35 Entrepreneurs, and one of his companies has been awarded “Most Innovative Company in the U.S.”


His award-winning digital strategy firm had clients such as Google, Council for Foreign Relations, Coca-Cola, Harley-Davidson, etc. He built over 100 software projects on growth hacking, leveraging the viral loop.  


In our conversation, Aaron Bare talks about what it takes to become an exponential leader, including:


  • The power of thinking big: widening opportunities to different ecosystems
  • Being conscious of the unintended consequences of leadership decisions
  • What the exponential nature of several things means
  • Reprogramming individual mindsets and shifting consciousness 


“Think about how you can impact the world from your point of view, but then also have the empathy to understand the points of view of everyone around you.” - Aaron Bare


“There's always going to be someone out there in the world doing something better than you in every area of your life, so you have to focus on being your best self and finding your own journey, your own path.” - Aaron Bare


“ Anyone can become exponential in their area of purpose if they find their massive transformative purpose that they want to dedicate their life to, as I have. ” - Aaron Bare


“It takes less energy to think bigger than it does to think small.” - Aaron Bare


“An important part of  growing exponentially is attracting the talent around you to support you where you're not strong.” - Aaron Bare


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Om Podcasten

Fifth Dimensional Leadership is a podcast about leadership - knowing yourself, speaking your truth, inspiring love, expanding your consciousness, activating your mastery. As an executive recruiter and career expert, most recently leading executive recruiting at Google, Ginny Clarke is a passionate and authentic thought leader with a unique and deliberate perspective on work and life. She synthesizes aspects of her life as an African-American, single mother who has successfully navigated corporate America for over 30 years. She has inspired, uplifted and changed the lives of thousands and is intentional about bringing conscious awareness to people of all ages and career stages. Every other week, a new edition of Fifth Dimensional Leadership will include fascinating guests, covering a variety of topics: power, personal branding, self-awareness, networking, fear, and career management.