1500 Days – Pulling the Early Retirement Trigger

The 1500s from 1500days.com joined me for my first in-person podcast interview to talk about real estate, the economy, and entering early retirement!


  • Most tax-efficient strategy for building wealth with real estate
  • Pay off mortgage early or invest?
  • What is a 1031 exchange?
  • Transition to early retirement with part-time work
  • Alternatives to early retirement
  • Will the economic future be as rosy as the past?
  • Is the 4% rule safe?
  • How to prepare your portfolio for less economic growth

Om Podcasten

Join the Mad Fientist as he interviews personal-finance icons like Mr. Money Mustache, Ramit Sethi, and JL Collins to discover the strategies they used to achieve financial independence and retire early! Learn about investing, tax avoidance, entrepreneurship, travel hacking, real estate, and all things related to financial independence and early retirement!