Empire Flippers – Buying and Selling Websites

Justin Cooke from EmpireFlippers.com joined me for an episode of the Financial Independence Podcast to discuss website investing!


  • Hear how Justin went from building an outsourcing company in the Philippines to building, buying, and selling niche websites
  • The difference between online and offline businesses and investments
  • Six different buyer profiles
  • When to sell your website
  • The future of online business investing
  • Justin’s recommendation for someone just starting out
  • Longterm prospects of website investing
  • Why better looking doesn’t always mean better

To read the full article, visit http://www.madfientist.com/empire-flippers-interview/

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Join the Mad Fientist as he interviews personal-finance icons like Mr. Money Mustache, Ramit Sethi, and JL Collins to discover the strategies they used to achieve financial independence and retire early! Learn about investing, tax avoidance, entrepreneurship, travel hacking, real estate, and all things related to financial independence and early retirement!