Millionaire Educator – Financial Independence on Teachers’ Salaries

Hear how two teachers used tax-avoidance and geographical-arbitrage strategies to save nearly a million dollars in only 16 years!


  • Using international and domestic geographic arbitrage to increase income
  • How to save $250,000 in 3 years on teachers’ salaries
  • Setting up SEPP 72(t) distributions to access retirement account funds before standard retirement age
  • Going from $0 net worth to nearly $1 million in just 16 years
  • Living off 457(b) funds while fully funding other tax-deductible accounts

Om Podcasten

Join the Mad Fientist as he interviews personal-finance icons like Mr. Money Mustache, Ramit Sethi, and JL Collins to discover the strategies they used to achieve financial independence and retire early! Learn about investing, tax avoidance, entrepreneurship, travel hacking, real estate, and all things related to financial independence and early retirement!