Finding Drago 07 | Noy Story

The final bell rings. Alexei Toliopoulos & Cameron James are back in the ring with David, fighting for a confession in their struggle to uncover the truth of Todd Noy. Will they be triumphant like Rocky in Rocky IV? Or will they be defeated like Rocky in Rocky? If you want to keep up with Alexei & Cameron you can find them on Instagram or Twitter go to @ThisisAlexei or @iamCameronJames, or on their Comedy/Movie Podcast Total Reboot with Cameron James & Alexei Toliopoulos

Om Podcasten

Finding Desperado is a brand new investigative mystery podcast, hosted by comedians Alexei Toliopoulos and Cameron James - the team behind the most talked about podcast of 2019, Finding Drago. Australia’s premier (and only) pop culture detectives, Alexei and Cameron have uncovered a bizarre Guinness World Record from 2005. A record held by an elusive European aristocrat. A record that they believe to be fake.