2.06 I am Held

Adriana Adelé, she/they, is a yoga facilitator and an advocate for collective well-being who studies and shares yoga as a practice of liberation. Through yoga, Adriana holds space for intentional movement, deep rest, Black holistic well-being, disruption of toxic dominant narratives, discernment in action, learning/unlearning, embodiment and affirmation of our eternal divine wholeness as individuals & in service of collective liberation. Her work helps adults and kids effectively integrate the practices and benefits of yoga including movement, meditation, deep rest, and breath techniques to their busy, messy, very real daily lives. Adriana is a RYT-500, E-RYT-200, a yoga teacher trainer, holds a bachelor’s of neuroscience from Oberlin College, and is the yoga + mindfulness teacher and strategic collaborator for Get Fresh Daily well-being programs.

Om Podcasten

This podcast emerged from work based in the exploration of collective grief and liberation. It exists to remind us about all the ways we can find refuge during unsettling and uncertain times, and to remind us about the resilience and joy that comes from allowing ourselves to find refuge. Michelle C. Johnson, author, yoga teacher, healer, social worker, dismantling racism trainer, activist, and grief-worker, offers monthly interviews, engaging and amplifying the brilliance and wisdom of people who have found ways to honor their grief and stay centered amidst the turmoil in the world. It uplifts the brilliance and wisdom of people who are invested in creating conditions for liberation for the collective. We feature spiritual teachers, movement practitioners, activists and social change makers, and people who hold space in various ways for healing.