S10 Ep2: Empty Nest Update

This week is a rollercoaster of an episode. Ange recaps on the empty nest chat from last week and there has been some amazing emails from listeners. Thank you for sharing the tough stuff.  Patty (Ruth) talks about her journey with food and how she is trying to manage her relationship differently.  Ange has a rant about technology and there is a great Dickish behaviour from a listener.  There’s loads of ways you can get in touch with the show on social media just search finding the funny podcast,  find the girls on Instagram @ruth_corden @angecorden or send us a email findingthefunnypodcast@gmail.com

Om Podcasten

Meet Ange and Ruth Corden, funny, straight talking, slightly sweary sisters who spend roughly half an hour a week finding the funny in the sh*t that is life. From the big questions to the continued frustrations of having to "adult", this podcast is bound to get you laughing. When we are not recording you can find us on insta @angecorden and @ruth_corden Email us hello@ruthcorden.com