Joe Connor out to change the world through soccer

This is an amazing story of a former pro soccer player that is now using his former skills to organized camps around the world particulary in Turkey to help displaced girls via soccer. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled Iran, Afghanastan, Iraq for the persecution of their religion or normal freedoms we take for granted. Through organized Soccer camps, Joe has provided structure to give them confidence to do whatever is possible with limited resources.  

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Mark Pattison is a former NFL player, Sports Illustrated Exec, Philanthropist & Mountaineer who completed the Seven Summits on May 23rd, 2021 with his ascent of Mt Everest. NFL360 created a film called Searching for the Summit which followed Mark's journey up Mt EVEREST and won a EMMY for best picture in 2022. Through his life’s journey in business, sports & charity work, Mark has been fortunate to meet some of the world’s most incredible people who share their stories of how they overcame adversity and found their way.