Episode 3: Celso Khalili talks sustainability and fraud in Finland's food industry

Consumers, retailers, importers, producers all want sustainable products, but is anyone really ready to pay the price? "I don't think so," says Brazilian-Israeli food industry entrepreneur Celso Khalili. He adds that many people don't quite understand the multiple facets of sustainable products, especially when it comes to the food we eat. On this episode of FTTLG, we discuss ethical consumption and discover how food fraud undermines sustainability in the sector. Like, rate, share and subscribe to the podcast, and join the discussion on Facebook and Instagram.

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“Finland: Through the looking glass” offers a frank and unfiltered look at Finland through the lens of its diverse foreign-background community, through one-on-one conversations with host, Denise Wall. It’s an opportunity for the community to share its own unique stories and experiences and to fearlessly weigh in on the social and political discourses shaping its reality in the adopted homeland. The show covers a range of themes such as entrepreneurship, ageing, belonging, study, unemployment and the job search and family reunification, to name a few.