2.24: Cancel Culture Part 3: Removing Statues

Our country is in the midst of a social revolution. People everywhere are standing up and fighting for racial equity and part of the protesting has included taking down statues of people who have had a hand in the oppression of marginalized communities. In this episode we discuss the founding of our country, the violence that accompanied that founding, and why we have to take that violence seriously. Listen to hear a perspective you may not have considered about what these statues represent and how we can change them to better reflect our community as a whole.    How Slavery Affected African-American Families    Genetic Consequences of the Transatlantic Slave Trade in the Americas    Slave Nation: How Slavery United the Colonies and Sparked the Ameican Revolution   How the Constitution was Indeed Pro-Slavery   GOP Senator Under Fire For Comment that Slavery was ‘Necessary Evil’   1619 Project   Whose Heritage? 153 Years of Confederate Iconography    Princeton & Slavery: James Madison   The Founding Fathers and Slavery   Why Thomas Jefferson’s Anti-Slavery Passage was Removed from the Declaration of Independence    George Washington, Slavery, ‘The Only Unavoidable Subject of Regret’    Advertisement for the Capture of Ona Judge   Song Credit: “Away” by Geographer and “Beach Disco” by Dougie Wood   

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As parents, we all want to teach our kids to be inclusive, but how? Join Jasmine Bradshaw each week as she gives you the tools and practical strategies that you need to talk to your children about race, religion, and culture. If you are a parent who values inclusion and wants to teach your children how to truly love those who are different from them, this podcast is for you!