4.4: Oh No! My Child Said Something Racist

Your kiddo just said something racist.  Trust me, as a parent myself, I can feel your pain, hear your groans of embarrassment and sense your anxiety.  But what do you do now? If you are here listening to this podcast and participating in this community, I know you are working toward creating an anti-racist and inclusive world for your kids. But guess what? Despite our very best efforts, sometimes kids — and, let’s be honest, even we as adults — make prejudiced comments.  Yes, these comments need to be addressed. We can’t just sweep them under the rug and pretend they didn’t happen, or else growth and change in our communities will never happen. Although making mistakes ourselves or hearing our little ones make mistakes may feel like the end of the world, it doesn’t have to be if we use these moments as teaching opportunities. The First Name Basis Podcast is here to help. In this episode, you will learn: Why it is important to teach our children about who they are and where they come from and that differences are normal. The 5 B’s of how to respond to kids when they say something racist (Be proactive, be calm, be curious, be clear, be reflective). How to apply the 5 B’s using a specific example. How to keep the conversations going so you can continue to learn together as a family.   Race Talk Roadmap Our Race Talk Roadmap is the tool you need to begin conversations about race and racism with your children! We have a list of three tips for parents of older children and a list of three tips for parents of younger children. Visit firstnamebasis.org/racetalk to get the Race Talk Roadmap sent straight to your inbox.   Ally Elementary  Parents have been asking for a practical, interactive way to implement the anti-racist strategies that I lay out in the First Name Basis Podcast. So this October we are launching “Ally Elementary: Anti-Racist Education For Families."  During this five-week program parents will work together with their children to create a culture of anti-racism in their home, and I will be there to guide them every step of the way. We will use hands-on activities to teach our children about everything from the untold story of how race was created to how they can disrupt racism in their everyday lives. I am so excited to watch the families in our community make a meaningful transformation and improve their communities through anti-racist action. Click here to the waitlist!   Articles, Studies & Podcasts Referenced In The Episode  First Name Basis Podcast: Season 1, Episode 4: “Using Your Culture to Build Your Child’s Sense of Self” “Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves,” by Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards Britt Hawthorne’s website Tiffany Jewell’s website “Start Here, Start Now” by Liz Kleinrock    Song Credit: “Sleeper” by Steve Adams” and “Dive Down” by VYEN

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As parents, we all want to teach our kids to be inclusive, but how? Join Jasmine Bradshaw each week as she gives you the tools and practical strategies that you need to talk to your children about race, religion, and culture. If you are a parent who values inclusion and wants to teach your children how to truly love those who are different from them, this podcast is for you!