#168: Training your core and diastasis recti with Dr. Elizabeth Knoble

Shannon interviews her pelvic floor PT, Dr. Elizabeth Knoble about how to train your core during pregnancy and beyond.0:00: Introduction to Dr. Elizabeth Knoble, PT, DPT 1:50: Abdominal separation vs. diastasis recti 10:02: Should you load your abdominals during pregnancy? 15:35: Can strengthening the rectus abdominis reduce diastasis recti? 17:28: What is coning and does it make diastasis worse? 22:15: Is deep core stability better than crunches? 27:05: How to properly engage the deep ...

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Whether it's a research-based solo episode, a detailed expert interview, or a casual coffee chat, you'll learn what is true (and what isn't) regarding fitness, nutrition, mental health, skincare, and more. Join Shannon Ritchey, Doctor of Physical Therapy, fitness trainer, and founder of Evlo Fitness, each Thursday and occasional Fridays for science-based tools to improve your health.