#204: Does strength training double as cardio?

You may have asked yourself, "My heart rate gets up when I lift, so does that count as cardio?" Shannon breaks down how strength training affects your cardiovascular health, specifically distinguishing the differences between traditional strength training and circuit training. She also speaks to the VO2 max changes that occur with different types of training: traditional cardio, HIIT, traditional strength training, and circuit training. 0:00: Introduction 1:40: Benefits of steady state ...

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Whether it's a research-based solo episode, a detailed expert interview, or a casual coffee chat, you'll learn what is true (and what isn't) regarding fitness, nutrition, mental health, skincare, and more. Join Shannon Ritchey, Doctor of Physical Therapy, fitness trainer, and founder of Evlo Fitness, each Thursday and occasional Fridays for science-based tools to improve your health.