#75: Four fitness mistakes that seem to save time but don't

We all want efficient workouts. But we also want effective and safe workouts. In this episode, Shannon talks about how you can save time, and four common mistakes that seem like they are saving time but are actually not as effective as you would think. 1:25: The issue with prioritizing central fatigue over peripheral fatigue 7:02: Trying to work upper and lower body at the same time 10:00: Jumping between too many programs13:32: Measuring your workouts based on sweatiness ...

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Whether it's a research-based solo episode, a detailed expert interview, or a casual coffee chat, you'll learn what is true (and what isn't) regarding fitness, nutrition, mental health, skincare, and more. Join Shannon Ritchey, Doctor of Physical Therapy, fitness trainer, and founder of Evlo Fitness, each Thursday and occasional Fridays for science-based tools to improve your health.