#12: Cardio: How much do you really need? (Part one)

Dr. Shannon discusses the research behind how much high-intensity cardio is good for you and how much could be negative for your health. She discusses how exercise can either aid in improving insulin sensitivity or reduce insulin sensitivity and the consequences to your overall health and fitness. Shannon provides a framework for how to implement cardio based on your body's needs. 0:40 What Types of Exercise are Typically Considered Cardio? 3:33 Focus on HIIT Cardio ...

Om Podcasten

Whether it's a research-based solo episode, a detailed expert interview, or a casual coffee chat, you'll learn what is true (and what isn't) regarding fitness, nutrition, mental health, skincare, and more. Join Shannon Ritchey, Doctor of Physical Therapy, fitness trainer, and founder of Evlo Fitness, each Thursday and occasional Fridays for science-based tools to improve your health.