A Breath of Relief: A Halloween Lifeline
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: A Breath of Relief: A Halloween Lifeline Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/nb/episode/2024-10-28-22-34-02-nb Story Transcript:Nb: Det var Halloween på Universitetet i Bergen, og stemningen var elektrisk.En: It was Halloween at the Universitetet i Bergen, and the atmosphere was electric.Nb: Korridorene i sovesalen var pyntet med flaggermus og gresskar, mens latter og musikk snek seg ut fra rommene.En: The corridors in the dorm were decorated with bats and pumpkins, while laughter and music crept out from the rooms.Nb: Utenfor dryppet regnet stille, og bladene danset i den kalde høstvinden.En: Outside, the rain dripped quietly, and the leaves danced in the cold autumn wind.Nb: Inne på rommet sitt satt Lars med hodet bøyd over et rot av bøker og papir.En: Inside his room, Lars sat with his head bent over a jumble of books and papers.Nb: Han kjente stresset bygge seg opp.En: He felt the stress building up.Nb: Prosjektet hans i ingeniørfag nærmet seg fristen, og tanken på å miste stipendiet gjorde hjertet tungt.En: His engineering project was nearing the deadline, and the thought of losing the scholarship made his heart heavy.Nb: Romkameraten hans, Soren, hadde nettopp dratt til en fest nede i gangen.En: His roommate, Soren, had just gone to a party down the hall.Nb: Han hadde kledd seg ut som en kunstner fra det kjente maleriet, “Skrik”, og måtte le av sin egen spøk.En: He had dressed up as an artist from the famous painting, “Skrik,” and had to laugh at his own joke.Nb: Soren var alltid avslappet, aldri bekymret over skolen, men alltid der for Lars når det gjaldt.En: Soren was always relaxed, never worried about school, but always there for Lars when it mattered.Nb: Plutselig begynte Lars å puste tungt.En: Suddenly, Lars began to breathe heavily.Nb: Den kjente følelsen av et astmaanfall presset mot brystet.En: The familiar feeling of an asthma attack pressed against his chest.Nb: Han strevde med å få luft.En: He struggled to get air.Nb: Han prøvde først å ignorere det; dette var kanskje ikke noe stort.En: He tried to ignore it at first; maybe this was nothing major.Nb: Men pusten ble mer anstrengt.En: But his breathing became more difficult.Nb: Han visste at inhalatoren hans lå hos en venn nede i gangen – en tabbe han ikke kunne tillate seg nå.En: He knew that his inhaler was with a friend down the hall—a mistake he couldn't afford now.Nb: Like etter banket det forsiktig på døren, og Ingrid kom inn.En: Soon after, there was a gentle knock on the door, and Ingrid came in.Nb: Hun hadde alltid et smil til Lars, men i kveld så hun bekymret ut.En: She always had a smile for Lars, but tonight she looked worried.Nb: "Hei, Lars. Jeg tenkte vi kunne se på prosjektet sammen?" sa hun.En: "Hey, Lars. I thought we could look at the project together?" she said.Nb: Lars prøvde å smile, men pusteproblemene hans stjal all fokus.En: Lars tried to smile, but his breathing problems stole all his focus.Nb: Ingrid så raskt at noe var galt.En: Ingrid quickly saw that something was wrong.Nb: "Lars, er du ok?" spurte hun nervøst.En: "Lars, are you okay?" she asked nervously.Nb: "Jeg... jeg trenger inhalatoren min," svarte Lars svak.En: "I... I need my inhaler," Lars replied weakly.Nb: Han ønsket ikke å slå alarm.En: He didn't want to raise the alarm.Nb: Han kunne håndtere det... kanskje.En: He could...