Exploring Geirangerfjord: A Magical Day Among Nature’s Wonders
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Exploring Geirangerfjord: A Magical Day Among Nature’s Wonders Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/exploring-geirangerfjord-a-magical-day-among-natures-wonders Story Transcript:Nb: Geirangerfjorden strålte i morgensolen.En: The Geirangerfjord shone in the morning sun.Nb: Fjorden var klar og blå.En: The fjord was clear and blue.Nb: Ole, Ingrid og Kari var på vei til båtturen.En: Ole, Ingrid, and Kari were on their way to the boat trip.Nb: De var spente og glad.En: They were excited and happy.Nb: "Se på fjellet!"En: "Look at the mountain!"Nb: sa Ole.En: said Ole.Nb: Han pekte på en stor fjelltopp.En: He pointed to a large mountain peak.Nb: Ingrid og Kari så opp.En: Ingrid and Kari looked up.Nb: Fjellene var dekket med snø på toppen.En: The mountains were covered with snow at the top.Nb: Det var vakkert.En: It was beautiful.Nb: Båten ventet på dem ved bryggen.En: The boat was waiting for them at the dock.Nb: De gikk om bord.En: They boarded.Nb: Kapteinen smilte og sa, "Velkommen om bord!En: The captain smiled and said, "Welcome aboard!Nb: Vi skal utforske Geirangerfjorden i dag."En: We are going to explore the Geirangerfjord today."Nb: Kapteinen hadde en stor hatt og grått skjegg.En: The captain had a large hat and a gray beard.Nb: Han var vennlig.En: He was friendly.Nb: Båten kjørte sakte ut på fjorden.En: The boat slowly moved out into the fjord.Nb: Vannet var stille.En: The water was calm.Nb: Det var en perfekt dag for en båttur.En: It was a perfect day for a boat trip.Nb: Kari tok mange bilder.En: Kari took many pictures.Nb: Ingrid satt ved siden av henne og smilte.En: Ingrid sat next to her and smiled.Nb: Ole stod ved baugen og speidet ut over fjorden.En: Ole stood at the bow and gazed out over the fjord.Nb: "Se på fossen!"En: "Look at the waterfall!"Nb: ropte Ole plutselig.En: Ole suddenly shouted.Nb: Alle så dit han pekte.En: Everyone looked where he was pointing.Nb: En stor foss falt ned fra fjellet.En: A large waterfall was cascading down the mountain.Nb: Vannet bruste høyt.En: The water roared loudly.Nb: Kapteinen styrte båten nærmere.En: The captain steered the boat closer.Nb: "Bli ikke våt!"En: "Don't get wet!"Nb: sa Kari og lo.En: said Kari, laughing.Nb: Hun holdt opp hånden mot det sprutende vannet.En: She held up her hand against the splashing water.Nb: Ingrid lo også.En: Ingrid laughed too.Nb: Vannet var kaldt, men det plaget dem ikke.En: The water was cold, but it didn't bother them.Nb: Naturen var imponerende.En: The nature was impressive.Nb: Båten fortsatte videre.En: The boat continued.Nb: De så flere fossefall, fjell og en gammel gård høyt oppe i fjellsiden.En: They saw more waterfalls, mountains, and an old farm high up on the mountainside.Nb: Kapteinen fortalte historier om fjorden mens de reiste.En: The captain told stories about the fjord as they traveled.Nb: Han fortalte om troll og gamle sagn.En: He talked about trolls and old legends.Nb: Det var spennende å høre på.En: It was exciting to listen to.Nb: Plutselig hørte de en lyd.En: Suddenly,...