Lars's Moment: Finding Voice Among Vigelandsparken Sculptures
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lars's Moment: Finding Voice Among Vigelandsparken Sculptures Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Høstluften var frisk i Vigelandsparken.En: The autumn air was crisp in Vigelandsparken.Nb: Trærne strålte i varme farger, og blader hvisket under føttene til de mange skoleelevene som gikk over stiene.En: The trees shone in warm colors, and leaves whispered under the feet of the many schoolchildren walking along the paths.Nb: Blant dem var Lars, Ingrid og Ola.En: Among them were Lars, Ingrid, and Ola.Nb: Lars gikk litt bak de andre.En: Lars lagged a little behind the others.Nb: Hjertet hans banket av forventning.En: His heart was pounding with anticipation.Nb: Han var fascinert av skulpturer.En: He was fascinated by sculptures.Nb: Han håpet å finne inspirasjon til kunstprosjektet sitt her.En: He hoped to find inspiration for his art project here.Nb: Lars var stille og ofte sjenert.En: Lars was quiet and often shy.Nb: Han sa sjelden hva han egentlig tenkte.En: He rarely said what he really thought.Nb: Klasserommet var hans scene for usynlighet.En: The classroom was his stage for invisibility.Nb: Ingrid og Ola lo sammen.En: Ingrid and Ola laughed together.Nb: De var alltid midtpunktet i gruppa.En: They were always the center of the group.Nb: Men Lars brydde seg lite om det.En: But Lars cared little about that.Nb: Tankene hans var hos skulpturene.En: His thoughts were with the sculptures.Nb: Han visste at han ikke var som alle andre, og han ville heller ikke være det.En: He knew he wasn't like everyone else, and he didn't want to be either.Nb: Da klassen stoppet ved Monolitten, ble Lars stående og stirre.En: When the class stopped at the Monolitten, Lars stood still and stared.Nb: Denne skulpturen forvirret og fascinerte ham.En: This sculpture confused and fascinated him.Nb: "Hvordan klarer de å klatre sånn?"En: "How do they manage to climb like that?"Nb: tenkte Lars.En: Lars thought.Nb: Han følte en sterk dragning mot figurenes desperasjon og håp.En: He felt a strong pull towards the figures' desperation and hope.Nb: Klassen fortsatte videre.En: The class moved on.Nb: "Kom igjen, Lars," ropte Ola.En: "Come on, Lars," shouted Ola.Nb: Lars nikket, men følte seg tvunget til å bli igjen.En: Lars nodded but felt compelled to stay behind.Nb: Han trengte å se nærmere på detaljene.En: He needed to look more closely at the details.Nb: Rolig trådte han noen skritt nærmere skulpturen.En: Calmly, he took a few steps closer to the sculpture.Nb: Alene ved Monolitten ble Lars oppslukt av tankene sine.En: Alone at the Monolitten, Lars was absorbed in his thoughts.Nb: Han så livets kamp og menneskelig styrke mejslet i steinen.En: He saw the struggle of life and human strength carved into the stone.Nb: Han kjente en plutselig forståelse, som et lys i hodet.En: He felt a sudden understanding, like a light in his head.Nb: Dette var inspirasjonen han trengte.En: This was the inspiration he needed.Nb: Snart måtte han ta igjen klassen.En: Soon he had to catch up with the class.Nb: Da de kom til en liten åpning med benker, ba læreren, fru Svensen, om at noen delte sine tanker.