Oslo's Vanishing Monolith: A Tale of Friendship and Mystery
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Oslo's Vanishing Monolith: A Tale of Friendship and Mystery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/oslos-vanishing-monolith-a-tale-of-friendship-and-mystery Story Transcript:Nb: En tidlig morgen våknet Oslo til en mystisk nyhet.En: Early one morning, Oslo woke up to a mysterious piece of news.Nb: I Vigelandsparken, midt i hjerte av byen, var noe veldig, veldig galt.En: In Vigeland Park, right in the heart of the city, something was very, very wrong.Nb: Den berømte Monolitten, en søyle fullt av utskårne mennesker, var borte.En: The famous Monolith, a column fully carved with human figures, was gone.Nb: Bare en tom sokkel sto igjen.En: Only an empty pedestal remained.Nb: Astrid, Lars, og Sindre var tre venner.En: Astrid, Lars, and Sindre were three friends.Nb: De likte å gå tur i parken hver lørdag.En: They enjoyed taking walks in the park every Saturday.Nb: Denne lørdagen skulle bli annerledes.En: This Saturday was going to be different.Nb: Først merket de det ikke.En: At first, they didn't notice it.Nb: De snakket og lo, som vanlig.En: They talked and laughed, as usual.Nb: Men da de kom til Monolittens plass, stanset de.En: But when they came to the Monolith's spot, they stopped.Nb: De så på hverandre i sjokk.En: They looked at each other in shock.Nb: "Hvor er den?"En: "Where is it?"Nb: spurte Astrid.En: asked Astrid.Nb: "Ingen vet," svarte en mann ved siden av sokkelen.En: "No one knows," replied a man standing next to the pedestal.Nb: "Den forsvant i natt.En: "It disappeared overnight.Nb: Det er bare denne lappen igjen."En: This note is all that's left."Nb: Han holdt opp en liten, hvit papirlapp.En: He held up a small, white piece of paper.Nb: Lars tok lappen og leste høyt.En: Lars took the note and read aloud.Nb: "Kun den kloke vil finne veien til lyset," sto det.En: "Only the wise will find the way to the light," it said.Nb: "Det gir ikke mening," mumlet Sindre.En: "That doesn't make sense," mumbled Sindre.Nb: "Hva skal vi gjøre nå?"En: "What should we do now?"Nb: Astrid tenkte et øyeblikk.En: Astrid thought for a moment.Nb: "Kanskje vi kan finne ut av det.En: "Maybe we can figure it out.Nb: La oss se rundt i parken."En: Let's look around the park."Nb: Vennene begynte å lete.En: The friends began searching.Nb: De gikk gjennom skulpturene og trærne, lette etter spor.En: They walked through the sculptures and trees, looking for clues.Nb: De husket alle detaljer om parken: fontener, broer, og stier.En: They remembered all the details of the park: fountains, bridges, and paths.Nb: Ingenting virket unormalt.En: Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.Nb: Så, ved fontenen, så de noe.En: Then, by the fountain, they saw something.Nb: En liten glødende stein lå på bakken.En: A small glowing stone lay on the ground.Nb: Astrid løftet den forsiktig.En: Astrid picked it up carefully.Nb: "Se her," sa hun.En: "Look here," she said.Nb: "Den er varm."En: "It's warm."Nb: Sindre la merke til noe merkelig ved sokkelen i nærheten.En: Sindre noticed something strange near a pedestal nearby.Nb: "Det er noe her," sa han.En: "There's something here," he said.Nb: Han pekte...