Special EU Election Episode

Martin and Iain are back in the studio with an Extra special episode on the Swedish European Parliamentary Elections before the big day on Sunday 26th May. The boys giving a run down of the main parties trying to grab one of those important 21 seats Sweden is allocated with in the EU Parliament. Are you confused how the European Parliament works or which party is which, who stands for what? Well, the lads will try and shine some light on the whole thing….  The online Election questionnaire Martin and Iain did on the show can be found here:   https://fluentlyswenglish.podbean.com

Om Podcasten

Your hosts Martin Giles & John Rouse are a couple of Expats living in Malmö in Sweden... Between them, they have over 55 years experience about the pros and cons of living in Sweden as Expats... In this time they have mastered the way to live, survive and speak fluent Swenglish.. This new & exciting series of episodes will teach you all you need to know about Sweden, that isn’t in a normal guide book. They will cover unusual facts, stories, truths about this land of the midnight sun, IKEA, Volvo & Surströmming.