03: Matthew Rendall— Rise of the Robots

Matt Rendall is co-founder and CEO of Clearpath Robotics, a Canadian company automating dull, dirty and dangerous tasks. Clearpath manufactures and operates vehicles for warehouses and distribution centers – they are the self-driving car for indoor industrial tasks. Matt talks about how he made the jump from academia to business, Robotics as a Service, what automation means for jobs in the U.S., and his open letter against “killer robots.” We'd love to hear from you! Email us at fluxpodcast@gmail.com, or message us on our Facebook page FluxFeed. Follow us on Twitter and Medium under the handle @thefluxpodcast

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Flux is a podcast about the pioneers building companies at the frontier of technology. This series of interviews goes beyond the soundbites, allowing some of the most interesting players in technology to share their insider expertise and explain the challenges they face in building the future. Hosted by Alice Lloyd George.