Best Of: The Neurobiology of Peak Performance with Steven Kotler

Steven Kotler, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning journalist, and Executive Director for the Flow Research Collective unpacks the formula to achieve peak performance and the science to sustain it. Steven shares how he became an expert in human performance and how he can replicate peak performance through Flow, an optimal state of consciousness where humans feel and perform their best. To conclude the show, Steven provides practical tips to get more Flow into your life and an online assessment to understand your Flow. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Patrick J. McGinnis, creator of the term FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), talks to leaders in business, entrepreneurship, politics, and culture. How do they choose from among the many opportunities in their busy lives and find the courage to miss out on the the rest? Patrick is the author of "The 10% Entrepreneur."