18. The only person to impress is your younger self - with Karin Hadadan

Karin Hadadan, founder of ICI ET NU, a lifestyle brand that helps individuals become better versions of their yesterday selves and author of the book Beauty In The Stillness, is here to share her profound grace.  Karin has been on a healing journey– overcoming gut issues, SIBO, and endometriosis. She has not let her health issues define her and has used them as her greatest teacher to move her life in an aligned forward motion. In this episode, you will hear us speak on balancing hustle and play, living in a calm and balanced energy to reap the highest awards, creating a healthy relationship with social media, and being loving and graceful to yourself. Karins ‘tough’ health journey and how she is overcoming it, taking your health into your own hands, finding opportunities for growth instead of playing victim, the process of writing and publishing a book, learning through life & not letting ‘failure’ stop you & more.All the goods:Karin Hadadan & her BOOK.bodyfwrd.com - membership to live the body fwrd lifestyle. Access to all of my programs, 7 day cleanse, community portal, everything I do to live a cleansed life & more.7 day cleanse - created from the inspiration of the cleanse Eva and I are speaking about in this episode. Join us for a group 7 day challenge starting September 11th!@kenzieburke@bodyfwrd@shopbruleshopbrule.com 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Body Fwrd Podcast, I am Kenzie Burke, your host. I am devoted to living a life that is full of transformation. Like a snake, shedding layers, coming back home to myself and remembering who I really am. I have found that the answers we are often looking for, the freedom we seek to feel, the creative energy we desire, the confidence we would like to embody, is not something outside of us, but within us. Our bodies are full of wisdom, remembrance, liberation, and it is here on this podcast where I share my personal journey and conversations with my mentors, friends, and others who are aspirational and living a life of transformation. By listening to this podcast you can expect to hear a deep dive into topics such as nutrition, exercise, spirituality, trauma, healing, transforming, moving your life forward & so much more.