FIR #377: Two Decades of Podcasting

While this is officially episode #377 of "For Immediate Release," the fact is that we reset the episode numbers back in 2015 when we retired the show name, "The Hobson and Holtz Report," at episode #824. Add them together, and this is actually our 1,201st episode. It also marks the beginning of our 20th year of podcasting. We released our first episode on January 3, 2005, several months before Apple introduced podcasts to iTunes, an event that is widely associated with the rise of podcasting's popularity. In this anniversary episode, we briefly recount FIR's beginnings but spend more time on podcasting's status today and where it's heading.Continue Reading → The post FIR #377: Two Decades of Podcasting appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.

Om Podcasten

In addition to news items and in-depth discussion of trends and issues, you'll hear the Internet Society's Dan York report on technologies of interest to communicators.