Co-Owning a Goat

If you only have a few does to breed each year, it might seem like a waste to own your buck. But even if you have a buck, who do you breed his daughters to? One option is artificial insemination, but another option is to co-own a buck.Although I had heard of two people co-owning a goat before, I had never heard of four until I met today's guests when we were recording last week's episode on Pygmy goats.Gary and Karole Miller of Fox Haven Pygmy Goats, Andrea Pursley of High Caliber Pygmy Goats, and Diane Keith of Fair View and Shasta View are co-owners of Flying Turtle's Gather Gotta Get Away, who is more commonly known as Mick.In this episode, they tell us Mick's story on the road to becoming the National Champion and how they share ownership of him, from where he lives to where he goes to shows.See full show notes here >> see the most recent episodes, visit  ForTheLoveOfGoats.comThanks for listening!No one ever said raising goats was easy, but it doesn't have to cost a fortune or drive you crazy! You just need the right information. Click here to learn more about our Goats 365 membership. Or see my other goat courses in Thrifty Homesteader Academy.

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We are talking about everything goats! Whether you're an owner, a breeder, or just a fan of these wonderful creatures, we've got you covered. Join host and author Deborah Niemann as she interviews experts and goat lovers so we can all learn more about how to improve the health and production of our goats, improve our relationships, and possibly even start a goat business.