Pasture Management for Parasite Control

Rotational grazing is the key to parasite control. After all, if you limit infection of your goats, you limit the potential for them to become severely parasitized. But there is more to rotational grazing than simply dividing up your pasture by a magic number.Heather Glennon, Associate Professor of Animal Science at University of Mount Olive and goat owner, is talking about pasture management for parasite control in this episode.She explains how different species of grasses have different ideal grazing heights, as well as how you can use annual forages and browse in your parasite control program. We also had a great discussion about forages rich in condensed tannins, and I realized why the chicory in my pasture might not have as much effect on parasites as sericea lespedeza.You'll learn how you can improve your forage quality to make it more nutritious for your goats and help them be more parasite resilient. We also discuss the role that other livestock and harvesting hay can play in cleaning up your pasture and reducing the parasite load.If you have questions, Heather can be reached via email.See full show notes here >> see the most recent episodes, visit  ForTheLoveOfGoats.comWant to support the content you love?Head over to -- for listening!No one ever said raising goats was easy, but it doesn't have to cost a fortune or drive you crazy! You just need the right information. Click here to learn more about our Goats 365 membership. Or see my other goat courses in Thrifty Homesteader Academy.

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We are talking about everything goats! Whether you're an owner, a breeder, or just a fan of these wonderful creatures, we've got you covered. Join host and author Deborah Niemann as she interviews experts and goat lovers so we can all learn more about how to improve the health and production of our goats, improve our relationships, and possibly even start a goat business.