40. A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness (original idea by Siobhan Dowd)

In this episode Ciara and Aífe discuss A Monster Calls, written by Patrick Ness based on an original idea by Siobhan Dowd. It's about grief, stories, and having a monster appear in the middle of the night to give you CBT because none of the adults in your life are doing their job and communicating with you.  Content warning for grief, parental death, child neglect, some mentions of violence. As is our wont, we went a little off topic. This time, to talk about the small trans libraries of Dublin and Glasgow. You should totally check them out, perhaps throw them a few coins if you're able: https://twitter.com/smalltranslibr https://twitter.com/translibrgla https://smalltranslibrary.org/ If you enjoyed this episode, consider subscribing! You can have two episodes a month delivered into your lovely ears for FREE. You can keep tabs on upcoming books and give us recommendations on our social media: www.Twitter.com/foreverYApod www.Instagram.com/foreverYApodcast www.goodreads.com/foreveryapod Check out our patreon on www.patreon.com/foreverYAPod  to throw us a    few  coins, check out our rewards, and show your appreciation/ire as     applicable! Theme music by Kate Stewart. We love reviews! And recommendations! And attention! Thanks for listening :-)

Om Podcasten

An Irish YA book review podcast! Aífe and Ciara are two young-ish adults who read and discuss Young Adult fiction, Emerging Adult fiction, Coming of Age fiction, and all that jazz! We focus on Irish writers, LGBTQ writers, and anything else you have to recommend to us!