56. Claudine - Rioko Ikeda (translated Jocelyne Allen)

CONTENT WARNING FOR TRANSPHOBIA  Spoilers for the end of the book from 34 minutes.  In this episode, Aífe reads a Shojo manga from 1978. Even more confusingly, it's set in France. Even more confusingly, it's set in a version of early 20thc France which has skinny jeans AND landed gentry. Don't worry about it.  We get a little history lesson on Shojo, France, and calendars.  Discussion points include: the Y2K of king death; Ciara's fear of huge anime titties; historical dramas with jeans.  Content Warnings for discussions of: in-text transphobia; medicalisation of trans experiences; misgendering; murder; arson; suicide; relationships with power imbalances; relationships with age differences; real-world transphobia; real-world homophobia. -- If you enjoyed this episode, consider subscribing to forever young  adult podcast for more of our thoughts on Young Adult literature, coming  of age literature! You can  have two episodes a month delivered into  your lovely ears for FREE. You can keep tabs on upcoming books and give us recommendations on our social media: www.Twitter.com/foreverYApod www.Instagram.com/foreverYApodcast www.goodreads.com/foreveryapod Email us at 4everYoungAdult (at) gmail.com Check out our patreon on www.patreon.com/foreverYAPod  to throw us a      few  coins, check out our rewards, and show your appreciation/ire as       applicable! Theme music by Kate Stewart. We love reviews! And recommendations! And attention! Thanks for listening :-)

Om Podcasten

An Irish YA book review podcast! Aífe and Ciara are two young-ish adults who read and discuss Young Adult fiction, Emerging Adult fiction, Coming of Age fiction, and all that jazz! We focus on Irish writers, LGBTQ writers, and anything else you have to recommend to us!