Ep48: Different Settings For Different Pairs
Certain currency pairs will always do you better than others will. Is it worth going in and tweaking your setting on your algorithm just to try and improve the results of a few bad apples? We discuss. Blog For This Episode - https://nononsenseforex.com/forex-q-and-a-podcast/different-currency-pairs/ EUR/USD Blog - https://nononsenseforex.com/forex-basics/how-to-trade-the-eurusd-not-what-you-think/ Subscribe on iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/forex-q-a/id1403201709 Follow the Podcast on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4iTHB9E7Ly2AImBBhlZtV0 Subscribe on Stitcher - http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=201867&refid=stpr Follow Me On Twitter! - https://twitter.com/This_Is_VP4X