ConsenSys leader is convinced CBDCs will be in more people's wallets in 2021 (ft. Charles d'Haussy)

"I'm very convinced that 2021 will be the year where you will see more and more people having CBDCs in their wallets or within their businesses," said Charles d'Haussy, director of strategic initiatives at ConsenSys in an interview with Forkast.News. Listen to the full interview with d'Haussy and Forkast.News Editor-in-Chief Angie Lau as they discuss use cases for CBDCs in China, the value of programmable money, the growing demand for DeFi and more.

Om Podcasten

A weekly, 30-minute podcast interviewing leading CEOs, policymakers, and thought leaders in the world of blockchain. Produced from Asia by Forkast.News, and hosted by award-winning anchor Angie Lau, Word on the Block goes beyond the headlines in providing in-depth, 1:1 interviews with the newsmakers shaping the rapid innovation and impact of blockchain, crypto, and emerging technology on business, politics, and the global economy.