Why Japan May Be Zuckerberg’s Best Friend Right Now (ft. William Pesek, Contributor)

A month after Facebook announced Libra, its new blockchain and eponymous cryptocurrency project, the world has not only had a chance to sit down, research, and process the news, but to form opinions on it and draw lines of defense. William Pesek, award-winning, Tokyo-based journalist and author, breaks down two opposing reactions to Libra.

Om Podcasten

A weekly, 30-minute podcast interviewing leading CEOs, policymakers, and thought leaders in the world of blockchain. Produced from Asia by Forkast.News, and hosted by award-winning anchor Angie Lau, Word on the Block goes beyond the headlines in providing in-depth, 1:1 interviews with the newsmakers shaping the rapid innovation and impact of blockchain, crypto, and emerging technology on business, politics, and the global economy.