211. OooOOOOoooh
Abe tries to make Rich say "oooOOOoooh" by getting him excited, Rich talks about a birthday dinner for his girlfriend, and then we answer a listener question about driving in our home countries, and if you can easily live without a car or not. X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/fbeteachertalk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbeteachertalk/ Abe's Website: https://www.55freebird.com/ FBE Teacher Talk YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6WmMG4ixKi54TQ8--fd1g?sub_confirmation=1 GoGoエイブ会話 Podcast (Apple): http://tinyurl.com/yf9nck43 GoGoプロジェクト: https://55english.jp #EnglishLearning #EnglishPodcast #LanguageLearning #StudyEnglish #EnglishSpeak #EnglishPractice #EFL #ESL #英語学習 #podcast