227. Full Moon Jamie VS Gringo Bamboo
Full Moon Jamie joins the podcast and we talk about going bald, crazy dogs, and chicken knees. Then we answer a question about pets, and FMJ tells us about when he had a pet monkey named "Gringo Bamboo" FULL MOON JAMIE Hats & T-Shirts on sale now! X: @FBEteachertalk Instagram 55freebird.com (Abe's Website: Lessons, Events, & Goods) FBE Teacher Talk YouTube Channel GoGoエイブ会話 Podcast (Apple) GoGoエイブ会話 Podcast (Spotify) GoGoプロジェクト #EnglishLearning #EnglishPodcast #LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #EnglishListeningPractice #EnglishForBeginners #SlowEnglish #英語学習 #StudyEnglish #PodcastForESL