243. Big Rich's Apartment
Today we record at Rich's new apartment and talk about recording strategies, our health related resolutions, and the fires in Los Angeles. Free Bird Tshirts, tote bags, beer holders, & caps! On Sale Now! X: @FBEteachertalk Instagram 55freebird.com (Abe's Website: Lessons, Events, & Goods) FBE Teacher Talk YouTube Channel GoGoエイブ会話 Podcast (Apple) GoGoエイブ会話 Podcast (Spotify) GoGoプロジェクト #EnglishLearning #EnglishPodcast #LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #EnglishListeningPractice #EnglishForBeginners #SlowEnglish #英語学習 #StudyEnglish #PodcastForESL