Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 19: Black Betting and Thin Flush Value
This week Bart takes a look at some special situations where block betting the river from up front may be the correct play and breaks down a super thin value bet he recently made demonstrating the importance of proper flush hand reading on 4 flush runouts. Hand 1 Bart's Qh 9d Hand at 1:48:00 of Lodge Live stream from Nov 27th opens HJ Qh 9d $75, Jwin calls, CO (9.4k eff) $190 FLOP: Ad 7d 6s -Bart bets $100, call. $390 TURN: Qd x/x $390 RIVER: Td Bart bets $200.. could the alternative be a block to induce a raise if the Kd is rarely possible in our opponents' hand?