Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 8: Hustler Overnight + Accidentally Stealing Equity
0:00 -- HCL Review and commentary w Nick Vertucci 7:00 -- More WSOP news now no mask mandate11:35 -- Final explanation as to why all parties have to agree to run it more than once in all pots that they are involved with or else it "steals" someone's equity. 3 way all-in. Short stack has $400, Hero and Player B are $2000 effective. Players get it all-in on the flop. Main pot is $1200, side pot is $3200. Short stack has top set, Hero has middle set but his quad out is exposed so he's drawing dead. Player B has a draw. Scenario 1 -- Short stack wins first run Player A and B lose $400 each in main pot Scenario 2-- Player B wins first run, short stack is dead. Player B wins 50% of $1200 pot or $600 for a net win on ONLY $200. Conclusion: Hero has the opportunity to win half the pot if he loses and player B wins first run, but Player B does not have the opportunity to win half the main if the short stack wins run 1.21:38 -- 2 Hands from Hustler