Bonus: 3 Secrets Behind Email List Building and Marketing

Sit back and enjoy this surprise bonus episode - a classic Jenna Kutcher move! I’m handing over my tried-and-tested ‘Big 3’ powerful secrets behind email list building and email marketing. I’m forever obsessed with social media, but I also realize that social platforms should be used with one goal in mind. Let me simplify your to-do list and re-strategize your top two priorities for you to move forward.  Grab all the email marketing insider info you need on this bonus episode right here:

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Free Email List Building Course podcast, I’m your host and new professor, Jenna Kutcher. I’m a digital marketing expert, the host of The Goal Digger Podcast, Queen of Simplification, and a girl who believes that growing an email list is the #1 method to drive profits for your business… without even breaking a sweat. I didn’t always have a list, in fact, just a few years ago I was in your shoes -- no strategy, no thriving list, and nowhere to go but up! Now? I am lucky enough to drop into hundreds of thousands of inboxes on a weekly basis and even luckier that you chose this podcast to help you start your email list. I designed this course to take you under my email-obsessed wing and teach you how start, launch, grow, AND scale your own list. Want tech tutorials and video walk-throughs? Head to, where you can access the free online version of this course.