Ep. 014 - Conversion Stories - Tasha-Rose Haage

In Ep. 13, Beth and Theresa hear the riveting conversion story of Tasha-Rose Haage, a former pagan and radical feminist. She discusses her gradual return to the Catholic faith, the transgender movement as it relates to feminism, and how she eventually became an anti-feminist. To hear Tasha-Rose's story is to witness the unbelievable miracles God performs in our lives, reaching even into paganism to show love and mercy to His children. She is a wife and mother to 8 children and passionate for the separate, dignified & complementary natures of men & women. Tasha-Rose has her own YouTube channel called Radical Mothering (https://t.co/ZgYXV7pPEZ?amp=1) and website (https://radical-mothering.com/), where she explores mothering as God intended. Tasha-Rose's Twitter: @TashaRoseRadMam

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Podcast exploring the foundation and ideology behind feminism, it's destructive nature & how women can free themselves from it.