Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 29 - La muse et le coq

Topics covered:

  • Disjunctive pronouns
  • Subordinating conjunctions
  • Être comme un coq en pâte

Bonjour mes amis ! C’est moi, Jean-Paul ! Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui ? Moi, je suis un peu triste. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’aujourd’hui nous allons dire au revoir à notre cher Jacques. Oui, vous avez bien entendu ! C’est notre dernier épisode en compagnie de Jacques ! I’m sure you’ll enjoy these last conversations between Jacques and his favorite French teacher Valérie. Hopefully, you have already prepared yourself by studying the grammar lessons and by doing the exercises. Shall we begin ? Voici Valérie et Jacques pour la dernière fois !

Om Podcasten

We proudly present a one-of-a kind educational program for beginners that includes vocabulary, grammar, exercises, dialogue, and much more in the form of a theatrical performance! The plot of the play is simple. Valerie, our French tutor, gives one-on-one lessons to beginner students. Valerie has three rules for her students: 1. Complete the assigned lesson on the website and memorize new vocabulary on the flashcards before coming in for one-on-one studies. 2. You can talk about anything, as long as you employ grammar introduced in the lesson. 3. Don't be afraid to switch to English if you don’t know how to say something in French - but switch back to French as soon as you can! Follow our heroes from Act 1, with conversation mostly in English, to Act 30, where they speak mostly French! Together with Valerie's colorful students, you will learn the fundamentals of French grammar and expressions. Your vocabulary will expand rapidly and naturally, and your comprehension skills will improve dramatically. Enjoy the characters, their secrets, desires, and motivations to learn French! Follow the 3 Valerie’s rules and learn with our students, Michelle, Jack, and Kevin! Bon voyage!