126 - French Listening Comprehension Story #1 📖✨ [Daily Life Theme]

Practice your French listening skills with this daily life-themed listening comprehension story. Short story, perfect for beginners!📚 Transcript, English Translations, Comprehension Answers & Glossary: Click here to download all the resources (free) for this episode.Comprehension Questions (Answers available here) 🌞 Partie 1: Le RéveilÀ quelle heure Claire se réveille-t-elle ? (What time does Claire wake up?)Que fait Claire après s'être levée ? (What does Claire do after waking up?)Quel petit déjeuner Claire prépare-t-elle ? (What breakfast does Claire prepare?)À quoi pense Claire en se préparant ? (What does Claire think about while getting ready?)👗 Partie 2: En route pour le travailComment Claire s'habille-t-elle pour le travail ? (How does Claire dress for work?)Que prend Claire avant de sortir de l'appartement ? (What does Claire take before leaving the apartment?)Avec qui Claire parle-t-elle en allant à l'arrêt de bus ? (Who does Claire talk to on her way to the bus stop?)Où Claire s'assoit-elle dans le bus ? (Where does Claire sit on the bus?)🏢 Partie 3: Arrivée au BureauOù est-ce que Claire descend du bus ? (Where does Claire get off the bus?)Comment est le bâtiment de travail de Claire ? (What is Claire's work building like?)Quelles sont les premières actions de Claire en arrivant au bureau ? (What are Claire's first actions upon arriving at her office?)Quelle est la première tâche que Claire entreprend au travail ? (What is the first task Claire undertakes at work?)🏠 Partie 4: Le Retour à la MaisonQue fait Claire en quittant son bureau ? (What does Claire do when leaving her office?)À quelle heure Claire termine-t-elle son travail ? (What time does Claire finish her work?)Comment Claire rentre-t-elle chez elle après le travail ? (How does Claire get home after work?)À quoi pense Claire pendant le trajet en bus ? (What is Claire thinking about during the bus ride?)🌙 Partie 5: La Soirée de ClaireQue fait Claire en arrivant chez elle ? (What does Claire do when she arrives home?)Quel dîner Claire prépare-t-elle ? (What dinner does Claire prepare?)Que fait Claire après avoir mangé son dîner ? (What does Claire do after eating her dinner?)Comment Claire termine-t-elle sa soirée ? (How does Claire end her evening?)All answers are available right here! 🗺✨ Struggling with French Pronunciation? Get your 'Five-Step Roadmap to Effortless French Pronunciation' audio guide (and its accompanying transcript) – your key to clear, confident, and effortless speech. Perfect for beginners! Download Your Free Audio Guide Now 🧡

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Bite-sized and easy-to-follow French lessons for beginners. Join Mathilde as she teaches you the basics you need to know to kickstart your French learning journey, and ultimately speak French clearly and confidently. Each episode covers topics related to French grammar, French pronunciation, and French vocabulary. At the end of each episode, you can download the lesson's exercises – so you can start practicing what you've learned right away. Head to https://mathildekien.com/subscribe-library to subscribe to the free FME (French Made Easy) Exercise Library. 🗝