[Replay] FYW 014 : Oops I ate all the lollies – how to pronounce “Tous”

How to know when to pronounce the “s” at the end of “tous” in French ? This question was submitted by one of my listeners.

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Vocabulary and Spelling of the French Words mentioned in this episode
Tous mes amis = all my friends
Tous les jours = everyday (literally : « all the days »)
Tous ces devoirs = all that homework
Tous nos engagements = all our commitments
Bonjour à tous les auditeurs ! = Hi to all the listeners !
Bonjour tout le monde ! = Hi everyone ( literally: “Hi all the world !”)
Bonjour à tous ! = Hi everyone ! (all of you)
Nous irons en vacances tous ensemble = We’ll go on holidays all together (all of us)
Où sont tous les bonbons qui étaient sur la table de la cuisine ? = Where are all the lollies that were on the kitchen table ?
Les bonbons ? Oups, je les ai tous mangés ! Désolée ! = The lollies ? Oops, I ate them all ! Sorry !
Check my article for more about “tous/tout/toute/toutes”. Includes worksheet.

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I'm Jessica, a native French teacher from the Champagne region here to help you learn French and discover the French language. You may know me from the French Voices Podcast (a series of interviews in French for the more advanced learners). If you are curious about the French language, this podcast is for you. Expand your French vocabulary and improve your French grammar in a way that is both easy and memorable. How? By connecting bridges between French and English languages to make learning more efficient! Discover the origins of some French words and French expressions, examples of related words and get a new understanding of common mistakes made by students. It doesn't matter whether you’re at a beginner, intermediate or advanced level in French. I have no doubt that you will learn from these mini French lessons. So, get on board and learn French with me! Join the community at http://frenchyourway.com.au Submit your own questions to podcast@frenchyourway.com.au