Behind the Screams: Rom-Horror Tier List (Excerpt)

This is a preview of the content you can expect when you support us by joining the Frightday Society at Part two will be available the day after this episode releases, so if you want more, it's there.  Much like a good scare in cinema, love can make your heart pound. This week we’re tiering the Rom-horror genre. Love stories to die (and kill) for. What's your favorite romantic horror film? Did we miss any gems?

Om Podcasten

From their compound tucked deep in the mountains of Montana, each week the Frightday crew investigates chilling incidents of high strangeness, human wickedness, peculiar cryptids, & conspiracies...from a rational perspective. The subject is then paired with a review of a new release genre film. If it bleeds, hacks, stabs, summons, sacrifices, abducts, or is Frightday.