122: Six months without Internet with artist Nastja Säde Rönkkö

How would you cope without the Internet for six months? This week’s guest did just that, in London. Find out how it affected finnish artist Nastja Säde Rönkkö’s (36) life, as everything - from personal to professional communication, socializing, navigating within the city and work - happened offline. Nastja is an interdisciplinary artist. She works internationally and lives both in London and Helsinki where she works with video, performance, installation and text. Nastja’s artworks explore topics such as the digital era, power, humanity and the future of our planet. Hanna talks to Nastja about constantly being in different places and working all over the world. They also talk about Nastja’s thoughts on climate change, and a project where she visited 27 places in the world that have been destroyed by human actions. Interviewed by Hanna von Bergen.

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