154: Today’s work culture leads to burnout with filmmaker John Webster

In John Webster's latest documentary he explores the question «What's wrong with the way we work?» “The Happy Worker” shows how work is organized - and why it’s simply not working. John reveals the systemic problems which characterizes the workplace, exploring everything from lack of control, silence-culture to incompetent leaders and how it all leads to unhappiness, burnout and a feeling of «what’s wrong with me». John explores: Why do we have this culture and where does it come from? «The problem is that nobody talks about it. Everybody's going around pretending that everything is okay, and it isn’t,» he says. We also touch upon how being a freelancer can provide a high sense of meaning, and how important that is for our happiness! John (55) is a documentary film director & producer who has directed and produced documentaries for over 30 years. He has an MA in documentary filmmaking from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki and has won numerous awards both nationally and internationally for his independent films. Interviewed by Hanna von Bergen

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