Imagine being able to remove odors and bacteria easily and on the go, without needing to wash your clothes. In the latest episode of our "From KNOW-HOW to WOW" podcast, we talk about how our FreshUp device uses plasma technology to remove odors from fabrics simply by brushing over them. Plasma occurs naturally in the universe. During the show, Tobias Wende, a Bosch electronic system engineer, talks about how they were able to incorporate plasma technology, which releases active plasma particles to dissolve simple odor molecules, into a device the size of a glasses case. What an unpleasant smell is, however, differs from one nose to another, says Antonie Bierling, researcher at the Universities of Dresden and Jena. She works on finding out more about which molecules stink and which ones have a lovely scent and shares her know-how with Shuko and Geoff.

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On this award-winning show, you'll learn how Bosch turns research and development into real WOW moments. Each month we explore a different technology topic from multiple perspectives. Our hosts Shuko, Melena and Geoff present the challenges and successes of Bosch experts and dive into a world that makes life smarter, safer and more sustainable. This podcast is for people who love technology and good stories. Two weeks after each episode, you can get extra nerdy KNOW-HOW and WOWs in our Deep Dive shortcast, where we delve into a specific aspect of the topic. It's an inspiring tech snack hosted by an AI-generated voice avatar of Geoff.