In this episode we make history and spruce ourselves up. This is the first time we’re publishing an episode as a special in two parts. In part one, Melena tries to sing opera to celebrate a world premiere. On June 7, 2021, Bosch opens our new 300mm wafer fab in Dresden, where the chips for tomorrow’s mobility will be made. This factory sets new standards for software and technology: It’s fully automated, uses augmented reality, AI, IoT and is probably one of the cleanest places in the world. Why? Because wafers are divas: They are so sensitive that they have to be manufactured in a dust-free environment. And that’s why at the heart of the wafer fab, there’s a clean room measuring 10,000 square meters, that is virtually free of any dust. Even during construction, cleanliness had to be a top priority. Melena and Geoff hear from the fab’s project manager, Otto Graf, about how this has been accomplished, why digitalization plays a key role in it, and how all this relates to dinosaurs. Yes, dinosaurs. Listen to find out for yourself! SHOWOTES: Bosch’s future 300 mm semiconductor fab in Dresden: https://www.bosch.de/en/our-company/bosch-in-germany/dresden/ Nicole Scott visits the new Bosch 300mm semiconductor fab in Dresden, Germany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo8TWPomHiQ More about Bosch Research: www.bosch.com/research Want to work for Bosch? Click here: https://www.bosch.com/careers/ More Bosch podcasts: Beyond Bosch: https://podtail.com/de/podcast/beyond-bosch/ Mighty Micro: https://mightymicro.podigee.io/

Om Podcasten

On this award-winning show, you'll learn how Bosch turns research and development into real WOW moments. Each month we explore a different technology topic from multiple perspectives. Our hosts Shuko, Melena and Geoff present the challenges and successes of Bosch experts and dive into a world that makes life smarter, safer and more sustainable. This podcast is for people who love technology and good stories. Two weeks after each episode, you can get extra nerdy KNOW-HOW and WOWs in our Deep Dive shortcast, where we delve into a specific aspect of the topic. It's an inspiring tech snack hosted by an AI-generated voice avatar of Geoff.